Breast Augmentation Vs Lift; Which Procedure Is Best For Me?

Breast Augmentation Vs Lift; Which Procedure Is Best For Me?

Are you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts? Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery can both rejuvenate your breasts and ensure that you get the most out of breast surgery. Like many women, you are probably unsure which procedure would be the right one for you. So it’s essential to consult with a plastic surgeon to ask the question – Breast augmentation vs lift, which procedure is best for me.

Breast augmentation has consistently been the most popular cosmetic procedure over the last several decades. So understandably, most women assume that’s the only procedure they will need for breast enhancement. However, if the breasts have also started to sag, it won’t be possible to get beautiful, youthful-looking breasts, without undergoing a breast lift as well.

Breast augmentation vs breast lift?

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty increases the volume of the breasts, making them fuller and shapelier. Loss of volume is often a consequence of pregnancy, aging, or weight loss. The increase in cup size is usually achieved with the use of saline or silicone breast implants. Saline implants contain sterile salt water and are filled at the time of surgery, while silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel.

There are several techniques used to perform breast augmentation, including the popular inframammary technique. During breast augmentation the implants may be placed either above the pectoralis major muscle (chest muscle) and below the breast tissue (subglandular), or below the chest muscle (submuscular).

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure that takes approximately 1 hour to perform. There is usually some swelling after the operation, and final results can take up to 4 months to show.

Breast lift surgery

A breast lift (mastopexy) raises and reshapes sagging breasts, so they look perky, and more youthful. The breasts sag over time due to factors such as breastfeeding and weight loss, but gravity also takes a toll. A breast lift will correct moderate to severe sagging of the breasts.

During breast lift surgery excess skin is removed, and the nipple/areolar complex adjusted. The surrounding tissue is also reshaped in order to provide support for the new breast contours.

Breast lift surgery takes about 2 hours to perform, and recovery averages 1-2 weeks.

Which Procedure is best for you?

The decision to have breast augmentation or lift will depend on the specific breast issues you need addressed, and the outcome you want to achieve.

If you feel your breasts are too small, or they have lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss, a breast augmentation would be appropriate for you. Breast augmentation will enlarge the breasts and make them fuller. It also enhances the contours of the breasts, and provides more attractive cleavage.

However, if your primary concern is sagging, and the nipple/areolar complex has become stretched causing the nipples to point downward, a breast lift would be best for you. A breast lift will elevate and reshape the breasts, making them firmer and younger-looking.

Combining a breast augmentation and breast lift

Your plastic surgeon will evaluate your anatomy and aesthetic goals, and recommend either breast augmentation or a breast lift. However, there is also another option. A combination of both procedures may also be recommended, so as to achieve optimal breast enhancement.

A combination breast lift with implants is done to reshape the breasts, increase cup size, and add volume. Breast augmentation alone will enlarge the breasts and give them a subtle lift, but it will not correct moderate to severe sagging. Augmenting sagging breasts will simply may them sag more, because only a breast lift will raise droopy breasts.

Combining a breast augmentation and breast lift is often what it takes to provide some women with the beautiful breasts they desire. The breasts will be fuller, perkier, and look more youthful.

Whether you have a breast augmentation or a breast lift, the goal should always be to ensure that you meet your aesthetic goals, and the results look natural.

If you live in or around the Nashville, TN area contact Image Surgical Arts for more information on both procedures.

Call 615-499-4224 today to arrange a consultation.

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