Advantages of a Bay Area non-surgical facelift

Bay Area non-surgical facelift

If you have sagging skin, or simply want to restore a more youthful appearance, then doctors usually recommend a facelift. While a facelift has traditionally been performed under general anesthesia, it is possible to have a non-surgical facelift done.

There are individuals that are desperate to have a facelift, but are afraid to consider general anesthetic. Very often this fear is rooted in the possible risks, especially for people that are obese, or suffer from high blood pressure. The non-surgical facelift is therefore a welcome alternative for these individuals.

Facelift: A facelift or rhytidectomy is usually performed to rejuvenate the face, by removing excess skin, and tightening the muscles. Sagging skin is also lifted and repositioned. Ideally, the best candidates for a facelift should have supple skin, as this will allow the surgeon to stretch the skin as required.

While conventional facelifts have been done under general anesthesia, there is now a growing trend to use local anesthesia and sedation. Having a facelift performed with local anesthesia has several advantages.

  • Since the face is flexible and dynamic the surgeon is able to create better results. This makes it possible to monitor muscles and facial expressions, so that the results look natural.
  • There is minimum bruising and swelling, and recovery time is much shorter. Patients can usually resume normal activities within 5 to 7 days.
  • Most people are able to safely tolerate local anesthesia. Therefore they generally feel much better during and after a non-surgical facelift. That’s because there are usually none of the unpleasant side effects that often accompany general anesthesia.

Residents in the Bay Area are catching on to the growing trend of having a non-surgical facelift done. If you need to remove wrinkles and tighten and tone skin at the same time, then this may just be the procedure for you.

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