Tip Rhinoplasty: What is the Procedure?

Non-Surgical Job

Many doctors consider rhinoplasty an art, because getting the nose to balance with the other facial features can be challenging. Rhinoplasty involves adjusting the shape of the nose, and in cases where the tip is not defined, tip rhinoplasty may be included. But what exactly is the procedure all about?

Tip rhinoplasty – what is the procedure
Tip rhinoplasty is a nose job that focuses on refining the nasal tip. The tip of the nose consists of cartilages, skin, and subcutaneous tissues. Alterations to the tip may include widening or narrowing the projection of the tip, correcting asymmetry, or adjusting the width. Tip rhinoplasty is often done in combination with changes to other parts of the nose, in order to achieve optimal facial balance (click here).

Tip Rhinoplasty can be performed using a closed or open technique. With the closed technique the incisions are made inside the nostrils, but with the open approach another incision is also made externally, in the skin between the nostrils. The open technique is often used for tip rhinoplasty, because it facilitates more surgical manoeuvers, and allows the surgeon a better view of the cartilage frame.

If you are considering tip rhinoplasty, be sure to consult with a plastic surgeon that has many years’ experience performing the procedure. They will carry out a comprehensive analysis of the issues affecting your nose, and determine the techniques needed to make the changes you desire.

Clients in the greater Boston area can contact Dr. Sean Doherty for more information. During your consultation Dr. Doherty will discuss what exactly you are trying to achieve with tip rhinoplasty, in order to customize an operative plan that will give you those results.

Dr. Doherty has offices in Boston and Concord, Massachusetts. Call (617) 450.0070 to schedule a consultationin Boston, and (978) 369.4499 for Concord.

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