How you can Shape and Lift Your Butt with a Brazilian Butt Lift

If you want to create a curvaceous derriere that looks uplifted and full, then butt augmentation can give you that effect. There are several approaches that can be used to achieve shapelier buttocks; however the Brazilian butt lift is one of the most popular choices. It is possible to shape and lift your butt with a Brazilian butt lift.

About the Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that uses your own fat to add shape and projection to flat buttocks. The procedure involves the harvesting of fat from areas of the body with localized fat deposits, and then transferring the fat to those parts of the buttocks that need upliftment.  Fat can be harvested from areas around the buttocks that are out of proportion, or from areas such as the thighs, tummy, or knees.

The Procedure
The Brazilian butt lift is typically performed under general anesthesia at an outpatient surgery center. The fat is removed from preselected parts of the body via liposuction. It is then processed, before being injected into targeted areas of the buttocks. The fat used for the procedure is carefully checked to ensure its quality, and it is injected at varying depths, in order to produce results that look natural.

After surgery patients are usually asked to wear a compression garment, in order to minimize swelling, and accelerate the healing process. Recovery time varies, but most patients can resume working about one week after the operation.

Many women opt to shape and lift their butt with a Brazilian butt lift, because the recovery time is much shorter, and there are fewer complications. If you are in the Orange County area, then you can contact Song Plastic Surgery for more information about the Brazilian butt lift.

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