Sculpt Your Thighs with Liposuction in Irvine

Liposuction is a great way to sculpt the body, because it removes excess fat from areas such as the chin, neck, tummy, and thighs. Despite diet and exercise, it is often hard to get rid of unwanted saddlebags in the thighs, but it is possible to sculpt your thighs with liposuction. At Song Plastic Surgery in Irvine, they perform thigh liposuction to get rid of those extra pockets of fat in the thigh area.

In addition to traditional surgical liposuction, non-surgical liposuction using cosmetic devices is also available. There are now a wide range of aesthetic instruments on the market for this purpose.

Who is a good candidate for thigh liposuction?
Liposuction works best for individuals that have excess fat deposits in the thighs, but has good skin tone and elasticity. They should also be in good health.

The Procedure
Thigh liposuction is a safe and very simple procedure that is generally performed under general anesthesia. Surgery is mostly done on an outpatient basis. During the operation small incisions are made along the inner and outer thigh. A cannula connected to a vacuum unit is used to gain access to the fat. The device breaks up the fat, and then suctions it out.

There are minimal side effects to thigh liposuction. There may be some soreness, but this should go away within a few days. Patients are required to wear a compression garment for at least 3 weeks after the operation. Most patients resume normal activities within 24 hours.

If the extra fat on your thighs is a source of embarrassment, then you can sculpt your thighs with liposuction. At Song Plastic surgeon in Irvine they perform thigh liposuction on the inner thigh, outer thigh, or on both. It all depends on the areas that have a high accumulation of fat deposits.

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