Does a Plastic Surgeon Have to Be Board Certified?


There is no denying the fact that cosmetic surgery is booming in the US. As a result of the high demand for cosmetic procedures,many physicians that are not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), are performing these procedures. Patients are often unaware that the plastic surgeon they are seeing is not board certified, but the question often asked is – Does a plastic surgeon have to be board certified.

Should a plastic surgeon be board certified?
There are plastic surgeons out there that are not board certified. However, when you’re doing any type of plastic surgery your goal should be to have a successful outcome with minimum risk, and that is best achieved by choosing a board certified plastic surgeon.

A board certified plastic surgeon is required to undergo rigorous training, and is held to the highest safety and ethical standards.They also have to pursue continuous testing and education in the field, to ensure that they keep abreast of the latest trends. There is therefore real value inseeking out the services of a plastic surgeon that is board certified.

While board certification is an important benchmark of a surgeon’s skills, you also want to make sure that the surgeon you choose is caring, and passionate about what they do.It is also important to review pre and post-operative photos of patients, so that you can see actual examples of their work. Also, be sure to choose a surgeon that you can trust, and also understands your aesthetic goals.

Laser resurfacing treatments are available in Tupelo, MS, at Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

Call (662) 377-6290 today to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Craig.

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