Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck?

Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck?

One of the most common questions people considering tummy tuck surgery ask their plastic surgeon is – Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck? During a consultation your surgeon will verify if you have the traits of a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery, or if you should consider other options.

Tummy tuck surgery
Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is done to tone and tighten the tummy. It is often requested by women after pregnancy, as pregnancy may cause the abdominal muscles to separate.

Are you a candidate for a tummy tuck?
You are probably a good candidate for a tummy tuck if:

  • You have a lot of loose skin in the lower abdomen.
    Tummy tuck surgery focuses on removing excess skin and fat in the abdominal region.
  • You are near or at your ideal weight
    Tummy tuck surgery it is not a weight loss procedure, but is designed to get rid of stubborn fat in the midsection.
  • You are in good health
    Candidates for abdominoplasty should be generally healthy, and not have any underlying health issues that could cause complications during surgery or recovery.
  • You have realistic expectations about surgery
    It’s essential that patients understand what can and cannot be achieved with surgery, and what is to be expected during recovery and beyond, in order to preserve the results.
  • You are finished having children
    Women considering tummy tuck surgery should undergo the procedure after they are done having children, as pregnancy can undo the benefits gained from the operation.

Do you think you would be a good candidate for a tummy tuck? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Walnut Creek and Greenbrae, CA areas, Robert Aycock MD is our featured board certified plastic surgeon.

You can reach Dr. Aycock at, or by calling (925) 392-6382 for the Walnut Creek office, and (415) 862-7952 for the Greenbrae location.

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